Asbestos Removal

Abestos Removal Services

When most people think of asbestos removal, they picture the full Type 3 removal that requires full containment, decontamination chambers, negative air machines, manometers and air testing.

The Types of asbestos removal procedures we use are dependent on the amount of material, type of asbestos containing material and the nature of the material (friable or non-friable).

Type 1 asbestos removals require the least amount of precautions while Type 3s require the most. Its all about Safety of the workers!

Glove bags are another procedure used for asbestos removals. Even thoe the asbestos is contained during the removal we are still required to wear appropriate PPE.

What may look like a little job may require a lot of set up to complete. Sometimes the longest part of the project is the containment.

Some materials such as floor tiles can be removed as a Type 1 removal as long as certain procedures are followed. If the same material is removed by power tools it changes the procedures we need to follow.

An experienced asbestos removal company will know what procedure to follow for what type of material being removed to ensure the safest removal possible!


Our environmental technicians are qualified for removal of all hazardous materials. Our training in confined space/rescue allows us to perform work in environments that are usually inaccessible and require extra percussions during a removal. Infection control training ensures that we can work in the most sensitive situations and our experience in lifts allows us to access some pretty high places!

Whatever the asbestos removal requires we are certified and trained for any removal.

Certified abatement workers
Type 1, Type 2, Type 3
Working at Heights/Ariel, Scissor Lift
Transportation of Dangerous Goods
Confined Space/Confined Space Rescue
Infection Control in Health Care Settings

Call Metro Contract Management Inc. 905.544.1125